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What is HIV AIDS? || What is AIDS: Causes, symptoms, and treatments ||

AIDS (acquired immunological disorder syndrome) may be a syndrome caused by an outbreak referred to as HIV (human immunological disorder virus). The unwellness alters the system, creating individuals way more susceptible to infections and diseases. This susceptibleness worsens because the syndrome progresses.
what is aids?

What is HIV & AIDS?

HIV is that the virus, that attacks the T-cells (CD-4 cells) within the system. AIDS is that the syndrome, that seems at the advanced stage of HIV infection.

HIV is a virus
AIDS is medical condition
HIV infection will cause AIDS to develop. However, it's attainable to be infected with HIV while not developing AIDS. while not treatment, the HIV infection will progress and, eventually, it'll be converted into AIDS within the overwhelming majority of cases. Once somebody has received Associate in Nursing AIDS designation, it'll continuously carry over with them in their anamnesis.

Causes of HIV & AIDS

HIV could be an animal virus that infects the very important organs and cells of the human system.

The virus progresses within the absence of antiretroviral medical care (ART) - a drug medical care that slows or prevents the expansion of latest HIV viruses.

The rate of virus progression varies widely among people and depends on several factors;

These factors embrace the age of the patient, the body's ability to defend against HIV, access to tending, the existence of different infections, the infected person's genetic inheritance, resistance to bound strains of HIV, and more.

How is HIV transmitted?

1.Sexual transmission
It will happen once there's contact with infected sexual fluids (rectal, genital, or oral secretion membranes). this could happen whereas having unprotected sex, together with the channel, oral, and sexual perversion, or sharing sex toys with somebody infected with HIV.
2.Perinatal transmission
A mother will pass the infection on to her kid throughout parturition, pregnancy, and conjointly through breastfeeding.
3.Blood transmission
The risk of sending HIV through insertion is these days extraordinarily low in developed countries, due to meticulous screening and precautions. However, among injection or IV drug users, sharing and reusing syringes contaminated with HIV-infected blood is extraordinarily venturous.

HIV Symptoms

For the foremost half, the symptoms of HIV area unit the results of infections caused by a microorganism, viruses, fungi, and/or parasites.

These conditions don't usually develop in people with healthy immune systems, that shield the body against infection.

Symptoms of early HIV infection

Many people with HIV don't have any symptoms for many months to even years once changing into infected. Others might develop symptoms kind of like influenza, sometimes 2-6 weeks once catching the virus.
Symptoms of early HIV infection
C.Joints pain
D.Muscle aches
E.A sore throat
F.Sweats (at night)
G.Enlarge glands
H.Red rash
K.Weight loss

Asymptomatic HIV

In several cases, once the initial symptoms disappear, there'll not be any longer symptoms for several years.

During now, the virus carries on developing and damaging the system and organs. while not being on medications to prevent HIV's replication, this method will take up to ten years on the average. The infected person usually experiences no symptoms, feels well, and seems healthy.

Last stage of HIV infection

If left untreated, HIV weakens the power to fight infection. The person becomes susceptible to serious sicknesses. This stage of infection is understood as AIDS.
Symptoms of Last stage HIV infection
A.Blurred vision
B. A dry cough
C.Fever of above 37 ∘C  or 100 ∘F
D. Night Sweats
E.Permanent tiredness
F.Shortness of breath
G.White spots on tongue or mouth
During late-stage HIV infection, the danger of developing a grievous unhealthiness is far bigger. grievous sicknesses are also controlled, avoided, and or treated with correct medications, typically as well as HIV treatment.

HIV & AIDS Myths and facts

There square measure several misconceptions concerning HIV and AIDS. The virus can't be transmitted from:
A.Shaking hands
C.Casual kissing
E.Touching unbroken skin
F.Using the same toilet
G.Sharing towels

Diagnosis of HIV & AIDS

The malady management and Prevention CDC agency federal agency government agency bureau office authority (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) estimate that regarding one in each eight HIV-positive Americans is unaware of their HIV-status.

HIV Blood test & result

Diagnosis is created through a biopsy that screens specifically for the virus. If the HIV virus has been found, the take a look at result's "positive." The blood is re-tested many times before a positive result's given to the patient.

If an individual has been exposed to the virus, it's crucial that they get tested as before long as attainable. the sooner HIV is detected, the additional seemingly the treatment are no-hit. A home testing kit may be used yet.

After infection with HIV, it will take from three weeks to six months for the virus to point out up in testing. Re-testing could also be necessary. If the instant a patient was most in danger of infection was inside the last half-dozen months, they'll have the take a look at at once. However, the supplier can urge that another take a look at be distributed inside a number of weeks.

AIDS Treatment

There is presently no cure for HIV or AIDS. Treatments will slow the course of the condition - and permit most infected folks the chance to measure a protracted and comparatively healthy life.

Earlier HIV antiretroviral treatment is crucial - it improves quality of life, extends lifespan, and reduces the danger of transmission, in keeping with the planet Health Organization's pointers issued in Gregorian calendar month 2013.

Currently, there's no vaccinum or cure for HIV, however, treatments have evolved that square measure far more effective and higher tolerated - they will improve patients' general health and quality of life significantly, in as very little jointly pill per day.

Emergency HIV pills (post-exposure prophylaxis)

If a person believes they need to be been exposed to the virus inside the last seventy-two hours (3 days), anti-HIV medications, referred to as sprightliness (post-exposure prophylaxis) might stop infection. The treatment ought to be taken as before long as potential when contact with the virus.

PEP may be a terribly exacting treatment lasting four weeks, a complete of twenty-eight days. It is often related to unpleasant aspect effects (diarrhea, nausea, and headache).

After a positive HIV designation, regular blood tests are necessary to observe the progress of the virus before beginning treatment. The medical aid is intended to cut back the amount of HIV in the blood, that has several advantages. Antiretroviral medicine

HIV is treated with antiretrovirals (ARVs). The treatment fights the HIV infection and slows down the unfolding of the virus within the body. Generally, patients take a mix of medicines referred to as drug cocktail (highly active antiretroviral therapy) or cART (combination antiretroviral therapy).

The combination of medication is tailored to every individual. HIV treatment is sometimes permanent and womb-to-tomb. HIV treatment is predicated on routine indefinite quantity. Pills should be taken on a daily schedule, every time. every category of ARVs has totally different aspect effects, however, some potential common aspect effects might embrace nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, headache, skin rashes, or moodiness.

Complementary or alternative medicine

Although widely used, various pr complementary medications, like seasoning ones, haven't been verified to be effective. consistent with some restricted studies, mineral or nutrition supplements might offer some edges in overall health. Patients square measure urged to debate these choices with their suppliers particularly as a result of a number of these choices, even nutrition supplements, might have drug interactions with ARVs.

HIV Prevention

To prevent being infected with HIV, care professionals advise precautions connected to:
Unprotected sex- having sex while not a prophylactic device will place an individual in danger of being infected with HIV and alternative sexually transmitted infections (STIs). HIV is unfolded by having unprotected sex (vaginal, oral, and/or anal sex). It can even be caught from sharing sex toys with somebody infected with HIV. Condoms ought to be used with each sexual act.
Body fluid exposure-exposure to HIV may be controlled by using precautions to cut back the danger of exposure to contaminated blood. in any respect times, care employees ought to use barriers (gloves, masks, protecting eyewear, shields, and gowns). Frequent and thorough laundry of the skin directly once being contaminated with blood or alternative bodily fluids will cut back the possibility of infection.
Drug abuse and needle sharing-intravenous drug use is a crucial think about HIV transmission in developed countries. Sharing needles will expose users to HIV and different viruses, like viral hepatitis. methods like needle-exchange programs square measure wont to cut back the infections caused by habit. If somebody must use a needle, it should be a clean, unused, single needle.
Pregnancy-some ARVs will damage the unhatched kid. however, an efficient treatment set up will forestall HIV transmission from mother to baby. Precautions ought to be taken to shield the baby's health. Delivery through abdominal delivery could also be necessary. HIV-infected mothers mustn't give.
Education-Health education is a very important consider reducing risky behavior.


  1. brothers and sister, let me use these opportunity to introduce a great doctor that cure ME FROM HIV/AIDS WITH HIS HERBAL MEDICINE. Dr Akhigbe, he is also know as the godfather of berbalism and all kind of root to cure different diseases.i meant his different testimonies on this blog site i also reach him through his email. first he encourage me with good advise, he told me to stop thinking on about the HIV and let my mind be free.secoundly he learnt me a short lesson that was very cleard to me and make me to understand that using condom when having sex is best protction. how ever,
    The period of HIV infection to develop in the body is about three to four weeks. This period can, however, be longer up to 3 months and in rare cases up to 6 months. Most people generally develop detectable HIV antibodies by current method within 3 months of infection or to 6 months before it expand to years.Dr Akhigbe feel for patienas as his own sons and daughters he sent my herbal medicine through UPS express delivery and it took me 5 working days before i received it, he also instruction me on on how to use it. he is a good caring doctor he must write me each day to know if am following up with the herbal merdicine for good three weeks before he later order me to go to hoapitle for another test and i get a surprise result, that was how i get my freedom from the hand of hiv/aids.Dr Akhigbe also use his herbal medicine to cure diseases like HERPES ,HIV/AIDS , DIABETES , CANCER , ALS etc for his help please reach him through his email or whatapp him +2348142454860

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